Wednesday, December 18, 2013

"What's Taking Him So Long?!" © 2013 Carl McRoy


What’s taking him so long? they ask,
Scoffers taking me to task.
Where’s the sign of his second coming,
And his instantaneous global warming?
There’s always been wars, famines, quakes and disease,
So lay off the apocalyptic nonsense please.
You point to his return with every little event,
Yet we’re still here, can’t you take a hint?
Even if there’s a god way up yonder,
Is he really worth worship I wonder?

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Mood Music - Cry Out To Jesus - Third Day

There are several songs that helped push me through the writing of "Yell at God and Live!" 
This is definitely among my top 10!
If it blesses you, share the video and 
support Christian artists like Third Day by BUYING the music.


My Daily Yell - Braggadocious Brutality

How do you broadcast to the Facebook world that you've killed your wife, along with posting the photographic evidence? And then announce that your friends will see you in the news? How do you post tough-guy pix and videos baring your tatted arms while you hold a gun in one hand and a knife in the other, then claim your wife was abusing you? Please tell me that Florida's justice system will not let another man go free on the basis of self-defense for an altercation he could have avoided!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Video Review from Oscar Sherrod - Ordained Minister & Prayer Ministry Coordinator

Please take note of the "Prayer Requests" tab at the top of the page. Pastor Sherrod and 1000s of other prayer warriors will unite to intercede for you.

How Many Languages Can You Yell In?

My granddaddy used to work for a wealthy lady in her home and once commented that she was bilingual. When she insisted that she only spoke one language, he explained that she indeed spoke two languages: broken English and fluent profanity!

We have people checking out Yell at God and Live! from Denmark, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, and Russia! I know in some areas you are able to communicate more freely than others, but if possible, let us know where you're from and what language you yell in.

I'll soon be doing some short posts called "My Daily Yell." These will be my observations from the news that I feel I need to sound off about. I'll try to keep them short so that you can share them easily with others through your various mobile devices.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Silent Yelling

A lady asked me if my book explains why so many preachers have to shout and yell so loud during prayer time at church. There are actually books that recommend that to get a prayer through to God, you must pray out loud, REALLY LOUD!

First, let me explain that contrary to the title, I'm not advocating that we have to be loud in order for God to hear and answer us. What I'm promoting is honesty in our conversations with God, no matter what mood we're in. Let's not pretend to be tranquil when we're raging inside. He knows the difference.

Pretense is the like the crackling noise an AM radio makes when you're driving beneath power lines. Turning up the volume doesn't make the signal clearer, it just makes the static more annoying. Just as we have to get past those power lines for a clear signal, we have to get past our phoniness for prayer to avail. If prayer's power resided in our ability to produce enough decibels to pierce the pearly gates we would be hopelessly lost. Our puny vocal chords can't penetrate earth's atmosphere, let alone reach beyond the throne of grace!

Doesn't the writer of Psalm 139:2 acknowledge to God, "You read my thoughts from far away." Didn't God promise that,  "before they call, I will answer" (Isaiah 65:24)? Does that sound like God only answers when the ringer's turned up full blast? Didn't Hannah receive tangible evidence that God heard her silent prayer (1 Samuel 1:13)? No amount of raising her voice would've been sufficient in expressing her pain and desire. Her silent prayer is no condemnation of those who pray audibly in public, but her example does vindicate Christ's counsel to pray in secret so that we can be rewarded publicly (Matthew 6:6).

In summary, yell silently when in public and privately when at home in your closet. Jesus told us we need to find someone down here that will cash in our rewards points for loud public displays, because the Father's treasury rejects them as counterfeit.

Monday, June 17, 2013

"Life, Pain, Death" by Charis McRoy

When I look over the great Earth
What I see is life, pain and death
When death rises
Hope is hard to squeeze from our hearts

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Video Review by Roger Hernandez

How long? What?

One of the most common questions people ask me when they get my book, Yell at God and Live! is, "How long did it take you to write it?"

My answer is, "Over 40 years."

One man who initially laughed at this reply, opened to a random page and after reading for a few seconds, soberly stated, "I can see you didn't write this overnight."

Another common question is "What made you want to write this kind of book?"

Please allow me to borrow from Toni Morrison, "If there's a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it."